Thursday, November 20, 2008

Zen and the art of software marketing

My office mate put together a mini Zen garden today. It's kinda fun. It looks like this, except hers came with a sailboat, some dolphins, starfish and seahorses. Aparrently, these all thrive on sand now, instead of water. We contemplated adding a mini-ocean to provide life-sustaining water for these creatures...but decided that would create quite a muddy mess.
We popped in the accompanying CD to watch our chi levels restore back to normal, and start putting all our troubles in a box and pushing them away (yes, sadly, those are some of the meditative exercises one can do...ahh, bliss). Then, a frustrated co-worker TOTALLY killed our Zen buzz by having a mini-meltdown about a project. We tried to keep our cool, but we knew the fun was over.
Which brings me to my mini-moral for the day: Chill. Getting stressed out about something that's completely out of your control is not worth it. It's taken me a loooooong time to finally put this preaching into practice, but I like to think I'm doing an ok job at it. Sometimes, it takes a major crisis to bring perspective to your life...but let's hope nobody has to have it come to that.
There you go, kids. That's my lesson for the day. Oh, and also: if Dr. Pepper makes you belch, it's best not to drink it at work. I think I'll pop in that CD again...let's hope I don't start drooling when it makes me fall asleep at my desk...

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