Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Umm...let's try this again...

Well, for the millions of people out there who followed my blog on a daily basis, I owe you an official apology. My bad. I guess I got caught up in the day-to-day life, and decided I didn't have much to write about. Anywhoo, rather than trying to sum up the past15(!) months, I'll just jump right back in to where I am now...

Still in Texas. Married now. No kids. New job on the horizon (like, immediate horizon...I start on March 1). Yep...that's about it.

Oh...and we got a roommate.

What's the one thing every newly-married couple needs? A roommate! One of the husband's friends got a job down here, and moved in "temporarily" while his wife wrapped things up back in the Frozen Tundra to join him down here. One thing led to another, and due to job uncertainties, he's still with us (4 months later).

Don't get me wrong...he's fun to have around, especially when we gang up on the husband. I'm also highly respectful of his ability to stump even me on movie trivia (not an easy feat). In fact, I think I'm more accustomed to him being there than the husband is. Husband is borderline OCD, especially when it comes to cleanliness...and, well, roommate's a typical guy. I've lived with guys before, so I know what to expect (and, admittedly, I'm not the cleanest kid on the block). Bottom makes for some entertaining conversation when husband confronts roommate about cleaning (or not cleaning) something. Ask me sometime about the Chili Microwave Debate of November 09. It's classic.

So there it is, folks. The last 15 months can be summed up in a few short paragraphs. I'll try to be a little more consistent when it comes to blogging...but, well, I can't even come close to making a guarantee on that.

Now, to move on to the next major dilemma of the day: get my hair highlighted, or not? Oh, my life is so hard.