Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I wish I was witty

Perhaps I'm just in a self-deprecating mood, but I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be truly witty. Not just your typical blog-wit, but honest-to-goodness witty (I also wonder if I would be able to write more than 3 sentences without using a hyphen. I'm so hyphen-happy).

I often check out editorial articles (it's "Market Research", people) and blogs, and think to myself, "Self, why can't you write like that? That is just freakin funny." The way that some of these writers come up with the funniest ways to write things...well, my little green monster gets the best of me.

Maybe someday I'll be the next real-life Carrie Bradshaw (except better)...or at least the next Perez Hilton. Hell, I'd even settle for the MSN Entertainment Hot Gossip writer. That's just good stuff.

Then again, maybe someday I'll be able to write without so many ridiculous-looking hyphenated sentences. Although, I think the odds of me being the next Oprah are better than me letting go of the hyphens (and if I do let go, it's gonna be epic -- Titanic-style! See, I did it again! Curse you, useful hyphen!!).

For now, I'll just pay homage to one of my favorite well-written bloggity websites: www.woot.com. I don't even care if they're selling behind-the-ear earmuffs (like they were today)...I read it religiously. Woot, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth. Wait a tic...their office is located in the Dallas area. Hmmm...freelance, here I come!

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