Monday, August 18, 2008

The 11th Hour

The movers are coming. Tomorrow. Oy.

That's all I have time to blog. Wish me luck!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Things I have left to pack...

Maybe if I make a list of what I have yet to pack, it won't seem as overwhelming when I check things off. Or maybe it'll cause me to jump off my balcony. We'll see...

- Dishes
- Glasses
- Silverware
- Pots & Pans (hey, I might make more ravioli, people! You never know!!)
- Sharp Knives
- Cleaning stuff
- Dish rack
- Toaster oven (how else would I toast my eggo's in the morning?)
- aaaand, that stupid little spoon holder thingy on my stove. Missed it. Dammit.

Dining room:
- Place mats (that's it! YAAAY!)

Living room:
- TV
- DVD/surround sound
- TV trays (since I don't actually use my dining room table for eating. Very useful to hold your makeshift computer, though.)

Guest room:
- Pile of random things that I have no idea what to do with (ie old alarm clock, file folder, magic markers, etc.)

- Bed linens (those'll go last. Sleeping without sheets is just gross. Gross, I tell you.)
- Another pile of random crap (seeing a pattern here?)
- Ironing board/Iron (because it's still piled high with said random crap)
- Stuff on dressers and night stand (although I'm seriously considering just shoveling the stuff on top of the dressers IN to the dressers. Yeah...that'll probably happen.)

- Shower curtain
- Towels (not a big fan of air-drying)
- 15 different kinds of shampoo (hey, my hair needs choices!!)

Wow...I really should be packing instead of writing this. I think I'll go read instead...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Blast from the Past

I'm in love. With a house.

I remember riding around Downtown St. Paul when I was a little girl, and seeing this house. It stood in the middle of what appeared to be a parking lot. I was always fascinated with it...I pictured myself living in it, raising my family, decorating it...and I watched it sit vacant and deteriorate before my eyes.

This house used to be located right across the street from the Xcel Energy Center...well, the city knew better than to have a vacant house sitting on prime parking lot land. I remember being utterly heartbroken when I heard the news that they were not going to be able to keep the house there. I wanted that house. I would've traded in all the piggy banks in the world to buy it.

Some time during college, the house disappeared. No longer a fixture of a bygone era in the middle of a modernized metropolis, the house that always caught my eye was no more. I was heartbroken. Gone were my dreams of owning the most beautiful home I'd ever seen.

Then, in a serendipitous twist of fate, I recently (ok, today) learned that the house had not disappeared -- it had simply moved. While I wasn't looking, they picked up the behemoth beauty, moved it down West 7th Street, and set it next to Irvine Park. My house is still alive!! Through some cryptic research, I believe the plans were to make the house into 4 luxury condos. I don't know if it happened or not, and read about the poor house's continuing neglect. But all is not lost, at least. There is hope again. I could still live in that house!!

Now, to find a few million dollars to buy it...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I smell like Cucumber Salad.

Being the genius I am, I decided to fall asleep on the beach this past Sunday before putting sunblock on my poor, poor, pale Irish skin. You can guess what happened.

So here I am, 2 days later, still radiating heat from my ankles to my shoulders, with no relief in sight. I bathed in vinegar last night, and will probably do it again. I'm an idiot. An idiot who smells like cucumber salad.